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Dispute Default Settings
Annalee Foley avatar
Written by Annalee Foley
Updated over 10 months ago

The Dispute Default Settings allow you to configure your disputes exactly as you would like them executed. You will be able to provide a default dispute reason as well as designate which chargeback lines you would by default like to be disputed in full. We'll go into more detail below on both settings, but to access these settings, click the cog on the top right corner of the screen, and then locate the Default Dispute page.

Default Dispute Reason

The dispute reason is what Home Depot will read when the dispute is submitted. By default, the dispute reason will default to be "Please repay.". However, if you would like to create a new default message, you can do so by editing the Dispute Reason field found on the Dispute Default Settings page.

Once you make the desired changes, be sure to hit the "Save Changes" button. This will go ahead and update the dispute reason across all deductions that have not been disputed.

Dispute in Full

How it Works

Home Depot has some unique accounting scenarios that result in the user not being able to dispute the full amount that was deducted. We'll break down the reasons below, but first, here's how you should look at configuring your settings.

You want to toggle-on chargeback codes that you always want to dispute in-full. From there, you will want to prioritize how important they are. The prioritization here is important incase we will be disputing multiple codes, but Home Depot only allows a certain amount to be disputed.

For example, a deduction (Dispute Package) could have a $100 Pricing Discrepancy, and a $100 Shortage, but Home Depot will only allow $150 to be disputed. In this scenario, we need you to designate how you would like to prioritize those two chargebacks so we can appropriately distribute the $150. The chargeback types you prioritize will get disputed in full down the list until there are not any dollars left to be disputed.

If you decide to always dispute Shortages and Pricing Discrepancies in full, and prioritize Shortages over Pricing, in this scenario we will dispute the full $100 Shortage, and then put the remaining $50 towards the Pricing Discrepancy.

By default, SupplyPike will always have Shortages turned on to be disputed in full, prioritized first, with all other chargebacks toggled off. To make any changes, simply toggle other codes on/off, and drag the codes to move their priority level. Codes that are turned off will be greyed out and move to the bottom of the list.

The most important thing here is optimizing the full amount you can dispute, we don't want to leave any dollars on the table. Configuring this setting will apply to all deductions that have not yet been disputed. That way, however you decide to dispute (single click, bulk or auto), amounts are already filled out for you exactly how you like!

Why does this happen?

Positive Trade Discount:

  • Occurs when there is a "full invoice shortage" as a part of new system changes within Home Depot. Shortage amount is deducted in the full amount (cost of the goods in full). Then there is a positive Trade Discount chargeback added on the dispute package.

  • The thought here is that now Home Depot will only let you dispute the amount they were willing to pay for those goods. For disputing purposes this will lead to a chargeback amount greater than what is able to be disputed. Home Depot will not allow you to enter in an amount greater than what they expect to be disputed.

  • One additional key-indicator of this scenario is the Keyrec will likely be 563900000.

Cash Discount as an Invoice Reduction:

  • Home Depot will mask a true Cash Discount as an Invoice Reduction chargeback code.

  • Home Depot will not allow the user to dispute this, since it is a Cash Discount, but it still looks like a chargeback (However, note, majority of the time this chargeback line will show up as blank in Merchandise Payables).

  • For disputing purposes this will lead to a chargeback amount greater than what is able to be disputed. Home Depot will not allow you to enter in an amount greater than what they expect to be disputed.

Previously Paid Chargebacks:

  • Home Depot on occasion will proactively pay back a chargeback. If they pay back partial, then this will be factored into the shortage chargeback, and you will only be able to dispute what was left.

  • If they pay back all, hopefully they took any discounts applicable at time of payment. If they did not account for discounts, this will lead to a chargeback amount greater than what is able to be disputed.

  • Home Depot will not allow you to enter in an amount greater than what they expect to be disputed.

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